I’m like a kid waiting to go to Disneyland!!!!

Or like that lady with her face against the window saying “Open! Open! Open!” 

I have about two weeks until the Southern California Genealogical Society’s Jamboree, June 10-12, 2011.  I am very excited, not just for the great lectures I will be participating in, but also for meeting new friends and seeing all of the great vendors and their products.  I will not only be attending as a SCGS member, but also as a blogger (my first time!).  I will be blogging about the SCGS Jamboree and will be trying to tweet about it too but that will depend on my phone’s reception.  I am debating on whether or not to take my laptop, it has grown a little heavy for me but we will see.  

So, I have a few things to get ready before the Jamboree.  I need to get my family history in order and print the portion I want to take with me just in case I run into a distant cousin or two.  I need to make sure I pick up my registration on Thursday night so that I will be fully prepared on Friday.   I know its not much, but I am still very excited and I really can’t wait.  I know that I will not be able to sleep too much the night before Jamboree!  It’s just like going to Disneyland!!!

2 thoughts on “I’m like a kid waiting to go to Disneyland!!!!”

  1. I recommend bringing your laptop – there will be plenty of places to connect. In fact on most evenings, the coffee room of the Marriott, right off the lobby, looks like a study hall with all the bloggers hooked up and doing work. You don’t want to miss out!


    1. Thanks Thomas! Since your a frequent attendee, presenter and blogger, I will take your advice and take my laptop! I sooooo can’t wait!!


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